
  May 5, 2024 THE HEART OF A NATION IN THE CRUCIBLE Define crucible: a vessel for melting metals, a severe test-extremely difficult experience or situation, change or development coming out of a situation. “Your Nation is entering the GREATEST CRUCIBLE it has ever faced. My CRUCIBLE is NOT a place of PUNISHMENT, it is a PREPARATION FOR GREATNESS. A CRUCIBLE BURNS UP IMPURITIES and leaves behind a PURE metal that is of GREAT VALUE. This CRUCIBLE for your Land will burn up IDOLATRY, GREED, and PERVERSION. I cannot fully DELIVER you from the darkness if it has a FOOTHOLD in your hearts. Many of you are going through very difficult circumstances right now that you don’t understand. They are serving as a CRUCIBLE to READY your heart to receive all that I have promised you. You will become a PURIFIED VESSEL that I can FILL with My ANOINTING and My WEALTH, and you will NOT HOARD it for yourself, but you will ALLOW it to FREELY FLOW from your life to SERVE and BLESS the world. Because My Army
  May 4, 2024 WHEN GIANTS FALL “WHEN GIANTS FALL and CRASH on the ground, it will send out SHOCKWAVES into the camp of DARKNESS and into the camp of the LIGHT. Those of the darkness will react with TERROR when they see their GIANT, their PROTECTOR, their LOUDMOUTH come CRASHING DOWN with a SIMPLE STONE. You will WITNESS a whole lot of FRANTIC ESCAPING take place, but they will be CAUGHT in the act by the WARRIOR HOSTS and by your MILITARY. Those who are truly in the camp of the Light (that is those who FULLY BELIEVE My PROMISES; not those with one foot in the LIGHT and one foot in the SHADOWS of DOUBT and UNBELIEF) will SHOUT with JOY as the GIANTS who have held your Nation CAPTIVE with THREATS, INTIMIDATION, and huge SMOKESCREENS of LIES, FALL FLAT TO NEVER RISE AGAIN. The SHOCKWAVES caused by the GIANT’S FALL will bring DOWN their evil structures. What they took DECADES to build to do you HARM and to ENSLAVE you, will come down in SECONDS like a HOUSE OF CARDS. Those who have remaine
  May 3, 2024 GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAYS ARE AHEAD “Let this promise of GRAND AND GLORIOUS DAYS AHEAD carry you through the LAST CONVULSIONS of a DEFEATED foe and the SHAKINGS that I send to AWAKEN a SEDUCED and REBELLIOUS world. You have been given AUTHORITY to DEFEAT and DEFLATE the enemy’s FINAL ugly DEATH SCHEMES, and you are carrying My LOVE in your heart that will DRAW IN the seduced and rebellious to find their HOME and PURPOSE in Me. If you keep your eyes STEADILY on Me, your walk will be STEADY in these days of GREAT CHANGE and UPHEAVAL. You must be willing to GIVE UP trying to CONTROL the OUTCOME of your own life and trying to CONTROL other’s THOUGHTS and DECISIONS. If you INSIST on HANGING ONTO CONTROL, you will be TORMENTED by FEAR, ANXIETY, and DOUBT. You will be drawn to listen to other voices sharing their FEARS and who BLINDLY LASH OUT at the WRONG TARGETS. If you struggle with hanging onto CONTROL, ask Me what the ROOT of that is in your life, and I will come and REMOVE t
  May 2, 2024 FANTASTIC, FABULOUS, FORMIDABLE  As I sat by the amazing 3-in-1 this morning in my garden, I looked the Father is His eyes and told Him, “There is no one like You!” Then 3 words came out of my mouth to describe Him—inspired by the Holy Spirit: “As you spend time with Me, I will gradually UNVEIL who I AM to you. This will STRENGTHEN your FAITH and serve to further ENTWINE our hearts together. The voices of INTIMIDATION and THREATS of harm will not cause you to FEAR because you know HOW MUCH GREATER I AM than any enemy that arises against you. It is important that you spend MORE TIME with Me than you do with NEGATIVE REPORTS. The TRUTH is that I AM with you, in you, for you, and I will work through you to bring LIGHT and VICTORY, first to your own heart, and then out into the world. I really am FANTASTIC, FABULOUS, and FORMIDABLE. I AM FANTASTIC because I AM more than your human mind can IMAGINE. I CREATE something out of nothing and I SAVE, HEAL, and DELIVER to the UTTERMO
  May 1, 2024 GRACE AND JUDGMENT “The CONTRAST between LIGHT and DARK GROWS SHARPER every day in your Nation. The FOOLISHNESS of ‘WOKE-ISM’ is ON DISPLAY. Don’t let this DISCOURAGE or DISTRESS you because I AM ALLOWING this to happen in order to AWAKEN My SLEEPING Church. She is SURROUNDED on every side with EVIL and with DARK SCHEMES to DESTROY her and, yet, she still is in the DRUGGED STUPOR of RELIGIONISM. WAKE UP and FIGHT, Church! This is your FINEST HOUR to display My POWER and GLORY to the darkness and to those held CAPTIVE to the darkness. ARISE and SHINE in the POWER of My Spirit! Your MENTAL ASCENT to who I AM WILL NOT SAVE you from the ENCROACHING ENEMY. You must TAKE UP your WEAPONS of WARFARE and STOP IGNORING the SUPERNATURAL REALM because your STRENGTH lies not in WHAT YOU KNOW but in WHO YOU KNOW. Those TUNED to My Spirit are PUSHING BACK the darkness with their AUTHORITY, their DECLARATIONS, and their WORSHIP. They will receive My GREATER GRACE to carry them through th
 ACTION ITEMS: Video SHOCKWAVES OF TRUTH - MAY MADNESS April 30, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *Welcome and call forth His Ocean of Glory. Our prayers, decrees, and declarations open a portal in Heaven for the Ocean of Glory to pour through. *We are to blow a trumpet and declare to the darkness: “You are defeated and brought to nothing.” Announce that days of victory, triumph, and rebuilding are on the horizon. Align your heart to His heart, blow a trumpet, see the coming victory of light over the darkness. Call it in! *Do not react with fear or distress as the darkness rolls out evil plans but keep burning for Him by speaking the truth, worshiping, declaring our victory, and strengthening and supporting each other. *We need to know that every time we speak or write the truth that shockwaves of truth are sent out into the ground and into the atmosphere, cracking open the lies and deception of many years. Speak truth wherever He prompts you to because shockwaves of truth are going out to b
  April 30, 2024 SOARING ADVENTURES “You were made to have SOARING ADVENTURES with Me. You were made to DISCOVER the MYSTERIES of My CREATION and of the FUTURE. I want your life to be a CONTINUAL DISCOVERY of My GREATNESS, My VARIETY, and My WONDERS. Entering into this life that I DESIGNED you for will keep your thinking and outlook FRESH and GROWING and not STALE and PARALYZED by RELIGIOUS RULES and DEAD-END thinking. What can HOLD YOU BACK from this life of ADVENTURE and DISCOVERY? The RELIGIOUS SPIRIT is the GREATEST HINDRANCE to this FULLNESS of life in Me. The religious spirit prizes RIGID MINDSETS that LOCK you into living a ‘SAFE’ life of MANMADE RULES and TRADITIONS. Outwardly, these people CONFORM to religious BEHAVIOR but inwardly, they DO NOT KNOW ME OR MY HEART. Exploring My mysteries and having adventures with Me is TERRIFYING to them because they CANNOT CONTROL IT. They are STUCK in the SHALLOW WATERS of My Spirit, and they never VENTURE OUT into the WILD and FREE ocean o